A Day in the Life of a Call Center Agent

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Posts Tagged ‘attendance’

Reliability Counts

Posted by yojir on July 27, 2009

Our company acquired a new account — of course another technical support stuff. And since there has been a lot of resignations and recession in our department, we are already short of staff for them to put some of us in the new account while still waiting for some people who will fill in the post of WMS.

Our boss will also be transferred in that new account — we will miss her!!! Since there is only little time left to recruit people, our former boss thought of something great — if we have friends that we know will qualify for the position, we’ll just need to give the resume to our boss and he will do the interview right after!

Unfortunately, all the ones I know already resigned and went to work for a different company. The ones that are left, they said that WMS is not their cup of tea. So be it!

One time, our boss is holding a resume and he got to ask one of our colleague if she knew the applicant. Well, she knows the applicant but not that much. Our boss said he might consider it if she will be getting a good feedback. But none of us knew the applicant, just got referred from the other department.

Our boss looked at the reliability of the agent Meaning, if she is always at work and minimal absents. Coz that’s the only thing that he will have to consider before he will interview. But upon seeing the attendance of the agent, he folded the paper into three and said … “this is hopeless.”

Reliability or having a good attendance is one of the most important asset you will have when you want to level up on your current post. Build that credibility and know the right people and the right place at the right time and you’ll get what you want 🙂

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