A Day in the Life of a Call Center Agent

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Posts Tagged ‘barge in’

You Are Not Alone on Your Call

Posted by yojir on August 11, 2009

One Sunday evening, while I was busy doing the timely reports thatwe are sending out to the clients, our “special phone” rang and I immediately answer it. Special because only clients can call that phone and you know that when it is ringing, there is a client on the other side.

It was from one of our client barging in on one of our agent’s call. Our client stated to us of what happened during the call and how unhelpful and rude the agent was to the customer.

For you who are already working in a call center, this is not new anymore. But for others who are just starting, call monitoring does not starts and ends with your QA Anayst / Specialists. Clients will also do a surprise “barge in” and God help you if you’re doing something out of the ordinary that time.

I remember years ago that the client visited our site. It’s a common thing that they visit the site but little did we know that their main goal in going to the office is to listen randomly to some of the calls. Unfortunately, there were a lot of agents who got caught mistreating the customer, releasing the call, belittling the customer’s knowledge on the subject and so many other things.

The main key here is being properly informed on the account that you are working at. Be always on the lookout on the updates for your product [what you have been doing yesterday to troubleshoot an issue might not be the same procedure today], always be nice to your customer [easy to say but hey, you’ve got to do your part of the job since you chose to stick with it — hahaha], always remind yourself that there’s nothing personal — one hidden job description as a call center agent is for you to be every customer’s shock absorber 🙂 . I have accepted this sad fact for a long time already mind you.

And of course, always show a positive attitude, not just to your work, but to all of your colleagues and bosses. They are the one who can help you the most during your most critical “crisis” 🙂

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